Questions and Additional Resources

What are some resources for a serious and/or urgent mental illness related event?

In the event of an emergency, please call 911.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or

National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-6264  or

Crisis Text Line: Within the US, text HOME to 741741 or


How do I find a therapist? 

If you are insured, check your insurance company website to find a provider. You can ask your primary care physician if they have any referrals for you, or if you are employed, your employer may offer employee assistance programs. You can also use reliable online databases like or to locate someone in your area. There are options to select specific criteria to narrow your search (like gender, language, faith, type of therapy offered, etc.)

What causes mental illness?

There are a number of explanations, ranging from neurochemical and neuroanatomical explanations to trauma-informed causes to situational and environmental reasons. One of the reasons we seek out help from professionals is to identify the causes in order to know the appropriate treatment. 

Is medication or therapy better for treating a mental illness?

Different people will select different treatments for the mental health. If there are physical symptoms (changes in energy level, appetite, sleep, etc.), medication is often prescribed. Talk therapy is very helpful in many cases, and referrals to more specified treatments might be suggested by you and/or your therapist. 

Overall, most people with a mental illness will find a combination of both medication and therapy to be most effective in treating their condition and maintaining ongoing improved mental health.